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Woodside Primary School

Support for Children & Adults

Below are external links and services available to support children and families.

Support for Children

Support for Adults


Leading children's charity offering therapy, counselling, advice and support


Supporting single-parent families


Get help and advice on a wide range of issues

Family Action

It provides support for families, including financial and mental health issues

Young Minds

Mental health support for young children

Action for Children

They offer practical and emotional support to families

Emerge Advoacy

Youth workers supporting young people attending A&E

Action Fraud
Reporting if you believe you or your child has been 'scammed, ripped off or conned’ online


Online protection and keeping you safe online

Mental Health UK Support & Mind

2 charities supporting mental health

Centre Point

Helping youths facing homelessness

Refuge & Domestic Violence Support

2 charities offering support and advice to those who face domestic violence

Cues Ed

Offering prevention and early intervention for young age mental health

Family Lives

Lots of information, including parenting advice videos, forums to chat to other families and confidential helpline

Keeping Safe Online

Click here to view government guidance on support for parents and carers to keep children safe online. It contains resources that will support you to talk to your child about a range of online safety issues, set up home filtering in a child-friendly way and set up age-appropriate parental controls on digital devices; it also contains information about types of abuse that can occur online.

Employment and benefits

These pages have additional information and will help answer lots of the questions that are being asked. Visit the new Employment and benefits support site (link is external) regularly to keep up to date with the latest guidance and messages on sick pay, existing benefit claims, new claims to benefit, self-employment, housing and more. This site covers all the changes Department of Work and Pension are making to respond to coronavirus – not just to Universal Credit. It also includes a Frequently Asked Questions section.

Carers Direct

Carers Direct is for anyone who is looking after a family member who is ill or disabled or needs special help. It is part of the NHS website and offers information and advice. 

There is a phone number you can call to talk to someone on 0808 802 0202

Or you can visit their website on