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Woodside Primary School

School Priorities

Our school priorities support us in our continued drive for improvement and form our school development plan each year. As a school community, we implement and embed these school priorities across each half-term.

For 2024 / 2025, our school priorities are:

Priority 1 - Leadership at all Levels
Promote and embed a culture of ‘everyone a leader.’ where leadership is distributed at all levels to drive further school improvement (subject leadership, pupil leadership and senior leadership)
Priority 2 - Early Excellence
To develop the Woodside Early Years Hub, establishing a provision of excellence for our youngest children, with consistently strong phonics and early reading practice
Priority 3 - High-Quality Inclusive Practice
To embed the Teaching Matters Framework, ensuring the provision removes barriers and appropriately challenges the needs of all our learners, driving effective teaching & learning and leading to improved outcomes, particularly in KS2 reading
Priority 4 - Culture of Excellence
Whole school ethos of ‘excellence’ permeates throughout everything, resulting in collaborative, professional and respectful interactions and behaviours modelled by all stakeholders.